Recommended Readings – The New Testament
October 15, 2018
Most Requested Readings
October 15, 2018General Bibliography
Publishers Abbreviation Code
Following the title of some expository works, there is a letter in parenthesis. These abbreviations are:
- (C) = comprehensive treatment
- (D) = devotional emphasis
- (S) = a survey of the Bible book
Following the author of every book listed, there is an abbreviation in parentheses. These indicate the publisher of the book. Following is the name and address of each publisher:
- (B.B.B.) = Back to the Bible Broadcast, Lincoln, NE 68501
- (B) = Baker Book House, Box 6287, Grand Rapids, MI
- (B.M.H.)= Brethren Missionary Herald Co., P.O. Box 544 Winona Lake, IN 46590
- (B.J.U.) = Bob Jones University Press Greenville, S.C. 29614
- (B.T.P.) = Bible Truth Publishers, P.O. Box 649 Addison, IL 60101
- (C.L.C.) = Christian Literature Crusade, Fort Washington, PA 19034
- (C.L.P.) = Creation-Life Publishers, Box 15666, San Diego, CA 92115
- (E) = William B. Eerdmens Publishing Co. 255 Jefferson Avenue S.E. Grand Rapids, MI 49503
- (I) = Inter-Varsity Press, Box F Downers Grove, IL 60515
- (K)= Kregel Publications P.O. Box 2607 Grand Rapids, MI 49501
- (L) = Loizeaux Brothers P.O. Box 277 Neptune, NJ 07753
- (M) = Moody Press 820 North La Salle Street Chicago, IL 60610
- (R.B.) = Regal Books Box 3875 Ventura, CA 93006
- (R) = Fleming H.Revell Co., 184 Central Avenue Old Tappan, N.J. 07675
- (S) = Scripture Press Publications (Victor Books), 1825 College Avenue, Wheaton, IL 60187
- (T) = Tyndale House Publishers, 336 Gunderson Drive Wheaton, IL 60187
Apologetics: Christian Apologetics- Norman L. Geisler ( B)
Challenge and Response- Frederick R. Howe(Z)
Bible Answers: 508 Answers to Bible Questions- M. R. DeHaan ( Z)
The Bible Has The Answer- Henry M. Morris (C.L, P.)
Challenge and Response- Frederick R. Howe(Z)
Bible Answers: 508 Answers to Bible Questions- M. R. DeHaan ( Z)
The Bible Has The Answer- Henry M. Morris (C.L, P.)
Bible Background: Archaeology in Bible Lands- Howard F. Vos ( M )
Wycliffe Historical Geography- Pfieffer and Vos (M)
Hammond’s Atlas of Bible Lands- Harry Thomas Frank (S)
Wycliffe Historical Geography- Pfieffer and Vos (M)
Hammond’s Atlas of Bible Lands- Harry Thomas Frank (S)
Bible Characters: Abraham, Israel(Jacob),Joseph, Moses, Joshua, Samuel, Elijah, David, and
Nehemiah- Each by Gene Getz( R. B. )
Bible Characters- Alexander White (Z)
Nehemiah- Each by Gene Getz( R. B. )
Bible Characters- Alexander White (Z)
Bible Correspondence Courses: Moody Bible Institute, Back to the Bible Broadcast,
And Emmaus Bible School ( 156 North Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60301)
And Emmaus Bible School ( 156 North Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park, Illinois 60301)
Bible Study: Effective Bible Study- Howard F. Vos (Z)
A Harmony of the Gospels- Thomas & Gundry (M)
A Study of the Miracles- Ada R. Habershon(K)
Survey of the Old Testament- Irving L. Jensen(M)
Nelson’s Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament- Merril F. Unger and William
White, Jr. ( Thomas Nelson Publishers)
To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus- Norman Geisler ( B)
The Victor Handbook of Bible Knowledge- V. Gilbert Beers (S)
Nave’s Topical Bible- Revised-Orville J. Nave (M)
A Survey of Israel’s History- Leon J. Wood ( Z)
Lectures on the Tabernacle- Samuel Ridout ( L)
The Study of Types- Ada R. Habersham (K)
Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament for English Readers- Kenneth S.
Wuest(E)3 Volumes
A Harmony of the Gospels- Thomas & Gundry (M)
A Study of the Miracles- Ada R. Habershon(K)
Survey of the Old Testament- Irving L. Jensen(M)
Nelson’s Expository Dictionary of the Old Testament- Merril F. Unger and William
White, Jr. ( Thomas Nelson Publishers)
To Understand the Bible Look for Jesus- Norman Geisler ( B)
The Victor Handbook of Bible Knowledge- V. Gilbert Beers (S)
Nave’s Topical Bible- Revised-Orville J. Nave (M)
A Survey of Israel’s History- Leon J. Wood ( Z)
Lectures on the Tabernacle- Samuel Ridout ( L)
The Study of Types- Ada R. Habersham (K)
Wuest’s Word Studies from the Greek New Testament for English Readers- Kenneth S.
Wuest(E)3 Volumes
Galatians: The Charter of Christian Liberty- Merril C. Tenney( E ) ( Illustrates various
methods of Bible Study)
An Historical Survey of the Old Testament- Eugene H. Merrill (B)
An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words- W. E. Vine( R )
Annotated Bible- Arno C. Gaebelein ( L )
Survey of the New Testament- Irving L. Jensen (M)
The Parables of Jesus- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z)
methods of Bible Study)
An Historical Survey of the Old Testament- Eugene H. Merrill (B)
An Expository Dictionary of New Testament Words- W. E. Vine( R )
Annotated Bible- Arno C. Gaebelein ( L )
Survey of the New Testament- Irving L. Jensen (M)
The Parables of Jesus- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z)
Biography: Life of David Livingstone- Mrs. J. H. Worchester, Jr. ( M)
Life of Dwight L. Moody- A. P. Fitt ( M)
George Mueller- F. C. Bailey ( M )
John Newton’s Autobiography (M )
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secrets- Mr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor ( M )
The Life and Times of Martin Luther- J. H. Merl D’ Aubigne (M)
The Journal of John Wesley- John Wesley (M)
Life of Dwight L. Moody- A. P. Fitt ( M)
George Mueller- F. C. Bailey ( M )
John Newton’s Autobiography (M )
Hudson Taylor’s Spiritual Secrets- Mr. & Mrs. Howard Taylor ( M )
The Life and Times of Martin Luther- J. H. Merl D’ Aubigne (M)
The Journal of John Wesley- John Wesley (M)
Charismatic Movement: The Charismatics: A Doctrinal Perspective Healing, Tongues, etc. ) John
MacArthur, Jr. (Z)
Understanding Spiritual Gifts- Robert L. Thomas (M )
Speaking in Tongues- Joseph Dillow ( Z )
Christ Life Of: The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah- Alfred Edersheim (E )
The Words and Works of Jesus Christ- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z )
MacArthur, Jr. (Z)
Understanding Spiritual Gifts- Robert L. Thomas (M )
Speaking in Tongues- Joseph Dillow ( Z )
Christ Life Of: The Life and Times of Jesus the Messiah- Alfred Edersheim (E )
The Words and Works of Jesus Christ- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z )
Christian Education: Childhood Education in the Church- Clark & Zuck (M)
Youth Education in the Church- Benson & Zuck (M)
Adult Education in the Church- Getz & Zuck (M)
Building Leaders for Church Education- Kenneth O. Gangel ( M )
Introduction to Biblical Christian Education- Werner Graendorf (M )
Youth Education in the Church- Benson & Zuck (M)
Adult Education in the Church- Getz & Zuck (M)
Building Leaders for Church Education- Kenneth O. Gangel ( M )
Introduction to Biblical Christian Education- Werner Graendorf (M )
Christian Home and Family: (Also See Counseling)
Heaven Help the Home- Howard G. Hendricks ( S)
The Measure of a Family- Gene Getz ( R. B. )
The Measure of a Marriage- Gene Getz ( R. B. )
Young Only Once- Clyde M. Narramore (Z)
Strike the Original Match- Charles R. Swindoll ( Multnomah Press)
How to Be Happy Though Married- Tim La Haye ( T )
Dr. Dobson Answers Your Questions- James Dobson (T)
Family Foundation: How to Have a Happy Home-Paul D. Meier (B)
Christian Child Rearing and Personality Development- Paul D. Meier (IB)
The Encyclopedia of Christian Parenting( R )
Heaven Help the Home- Howard G. Hendricks ( S)
The Measure of a Family- Gene Getz ( R. B. )
The Measure of a Marriage- Gene Getz ( R. B. )
Young Only Once- Clyde M. Narramore (Z)
Strike the Original Match- Charles R. Swindoll ( Multnomah Press)
How to Be Happy Though Married- Tim La Haye ( T )
Dr. Dobson Answers Your Questions- James Dobson (T)
Family Foundation: How to Have a Happy Home-Paul D. Meier (B)
Christian Child Rearing and Personality Development- Paul D. Meier (IB)
The Encyclopedia of Christian Parenting( R )
Church History: Christianity Through the Centuries- Earl E. Cairns (Z)
Miller’s Church History- Andrew Miller ( B. T.P.)
Counseling: Effective Biblical Counseling-Lawrence J. Crabb, Jr.
Christian Parents in Pain- John White(I)
Home and Preparing for Adolescence- James Dobson ( Vision Family House)
Above, Competent to Counsel- Jay E. Adams (B)
Your Best Years: Staying Young While Growing Old-J. Oswald Sanders ( M)
Miller’s Church History- Andrew Miller ( B. T.P.)
Counseling: Effective Biblical Counseling-Lawrence J. Crabb, Jr.
Christian Parents in Pain- John White(I)
Home and Preparing for Adolescence- James Dobson ( Vision Family House)
Above, Competent to Counsel- Jay E. Adams (B)
Your Best Years: Staying Young While Growing Old-J. Oswald Sanders ( M)
Creation and Science: The Early Earth- John C. Whitcomb, Jr. (B)
The World That Perished John C. Whitcomb, Jr. (B)
Did Man Just Happen? W. A. Criswell (M)
The Bible and Modern Science- Henry M. Morris ( C. L. P.)
Why Does God Allow It?- A. E. Wilder-Smith (C.L.P.)
The World That Perished John C. Whitcomb, Jr. (B)
Did Man Just Happen? W. A. Criswell (M)
The Bible and Modern Science- Henry M. Morris ( C. L. P.)
Why Does God Allow It?- A. E. Wilder-Smith (C.L.P.)
Cults and Romanism: The Chaos of Cults- J. B. Van Baalen ( E) ( Older Cults)
The Mind Benders- John Sparks ( Thomas Nelson Publishers) (Newer Cults)
Secrets of Romanism- Joseph Zacchello (L)
The Mind Benders- John Sparks ( Thomas Nelson Publishers) (Newer Cults)
Secrets of Romanism- Joseph Zacchello (L)
Devotional: Streams in the Desert-Mrs. C. E. Cowman(Z)
Our Daily Bread- M. R. DeHaan and Henry G. Bosch(Z)
The Continual Burnt Offering- H. A. Ironside ( L)
Our Daily Walk- F. B. Meyer (Z)
Morning and Evening- Charles Hadden Spurgeon (Z)
Renewed Day By Day- A. W. Tozer( R )
Giant Steps- Warren W. Wiersbe ( B)
Our Daily Bread- M. R. DeHaan and Henry G. Bosch(Z)
The Continual Burnt Offering- H. A. Ironside ( L)
Our Daily Walk- F. B. Meyer (Z)
Morning and Evening- Charles Hadden Spurgeon (Z)
Renewed Day By Day- A. W. Tozer( R )
Giant Steps- Warren W. Wiersbe ( B)
Discipleship: Disciples Are Made-Not Born- Walter A. Henricksen(S)
The Lost Art of Disciple Making- Leroy Elms (Z)
The Lost Art of Disciple Making- Leroy Elms (Z)
Doctrine: Biblical Theology of the New Testament- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Angels-Elect and Evil- Fred A. Dickason(M)
The Church in God’s Program- Robert L. Saucy ( M)
What the Church Is All About- Earl B. Radmacher (M)
Demons in the World Today- Merrill F. Unger (T)
Your Adversary the Devil- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z)
Knowing God- J. I. Packer (I)
The Holy Spirit- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Jesus Christ Our Lord- John F. Walvoord ( M)
Baptism: What Saith the Scriptures? H. A. Ironside (L)
The Eleven Commandments- Lehman Strauss (L)
The Death Christ Died ( A defense of unlimited atonement)-Robert P. Lightner( Regular Baptist Press)
Law and Grace- M. R. DeHaan (Z)
Angels-Elect and Evil- Fred A. Dickason(M)
The Church in God’s Program- Robert L. Saucy ( M)
What the Church Is All About- Earl B. Radmacher (M)
Demons in the World Today- Merrill F. Unger (T)
Your Adversary the Devil- J. Dwight Pentecost (Z)
Knowing God- J. I. Packer (I)
The Holy Spirit- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Jesus Christ Our Lord- John F. Walvoord ( M)
Baptism: What Saith the Scriptures? H. A. Ironside (L)
The Eleven Commandments- Lehman Strauss (L)
The Death Christ Died ( A defense of unlimited atonement)-Robert P. Lightner( Regular Baptist Press)
Law and Grace- M. R. DeHaan (Z)
Election and Sovereignty: Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God-J. I. Packer (I)
Eternal Security: Salvation is Forever-Robert G. Gromacki (M)
Shall Never Perish- J. F. Stombeck (Harvest House)
Eternal Security: Salvation is Forever-Robert G. Gromacki (M)
Shall Never Perish- J. F. Stombeck (Harvest House)
Evangelism: Salvation-Lewis Sperry Chafer (Z)
Art of Personal Witnessing- Lorne Sanny (B.B.B.)
Every Member Evangelism- J.E. Conant (Harper and Row Publishers)
Art of Personal Witnessing- Lorne Sanny (B.B.B.)
Every Member Evangelism- J.E. Conant (Harper and Row Publishers)
Fellowship: Loving One Another- Gene Getz (S)
Building Up One Another- Gene Getz (S)
Encouraging One Another- Gene Getz (S)
Praying for One Another- Gene Getz(S)
Gospel Tracts: American Tract Society, P.O. Box 402008, Garland, TX 75040
Good News Publishers, 9825 W. Roosevelt Road Westchester, Illinois 60153
Building Up One Another- Gene Getz (S)
Encouraging One Another- Gene Getz (S)
Praying for One Another- Gene Getz(S)
Gospel Tracts: American Tract Society, P.O. Box 402008, Garland, TX 75040
Good News Publishers, 9825 W. Roosevelt Road Westchester, Illinois 60153
Inspiration: Inspiration and Canonicity of the Bible- R. Laird Harris (Z)
The Saviour and the Scriptures- Robert P. Lightner (B)
The Battle for the Bible- Harold Lindsell (Z)
What You Should Know About Inerrancy- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Israel (Also See Prophecy) Israel At the Center of History and Revelation- Charles L. Feinberg
(Multnomah Press)
Exploring the World of the Jew- John Phillips (M)
Israel in Prophecy- John F. Walvoord (Z)
The Saviour and the Scriptures- Robert P. Lightner (B)
The Battle for the Bible- Harold Lindsell (Z)
What You Should Know About Inerrancy- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Israel (Also See Prophecy) Israel At the Center of History and Revelation- Charles L. Feinberg
(Multnomah Press)
Exploring the World of the Jew- John Phillips (M)
Israel in Prophecy- John F. Walvoord (Z)
Missions: A Biblical Theology of Missions- George W. Peters (M)
The Bible and World Missions- A Course- G. Christian Weiss (B.B.B.)
Understanding Christian Missions- J. Herbert Kane (B)
A Theology of Church Growth- George W. Peters (Z)
The Bible and World Missions- A Course- G. Christian Weiss (B.B.B.)
Understanding Christian Missions- J. Herbert Kane (B)
A Theology of Church Growth- George W. Peters (Z)
Music: The New Church Hymnal-Lexicon Music, Inc., P.O. Box 296, Woodland Hills,
California 91365
Praise Hymnal- Singspiration (Z)
California 91365
Praise Hymnal- Singspiration (Z)
New Evangelicalism & Neoorthodoxy: Neoorthodoxy-Charles C. Ryrie ( Walterick Publishers)
Neoevangelicalism Today- Robert P. Lightner ( Regular Baptist Press)
The Tragedy of Compromise- Ernest Pickering Bob Jones University Press (BJU)
What You Should Know About Social Responsibility- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Neoevangelicalism Today- Robert P. Lightner ( Regular Baptist Press)
The Tragedy of Compromise- Ernest Pickering Bob Jones University Press (BJU)
What You Should Know About Social Responsibility- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Prayer: What Happens When Women Pray- Evelyn Christenson (S)
Jesus’ Pattern Of Prayer- John F. MacArthur, Jr. (R )
With Christ in the School of Prayer- Andrew Murray
Prayer Power Unlimited- J. Oswald Sanders (M)
The Power of Prayer- Reuben A. Torrey (Z)
Jesus’ Pattern Of Prayer- John F. MacArthur, Jr. (R )
With Christ in the School of Prayer- Andrew Murray
Prayer Power Unlimited- J. Oswald Sanders (M)
The Power of Prayer- Reuben A. Torrey (Z)
Prophecy: (Also See Israel): The End Times- Herman A. Hoyt ( M)
The Bible and Future Events- Leon J. Wood (Z)
The Rapture Question- John F. Walvoord (Z)
From Eternity to Eternity- Erich Sauer (E)
What You Should Know About the Rapture- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Things to Come – Dwight Pentecost (Z)
The Bible and Future Events- Leon J. Wood (Z)
The Rapture Question- John F. Walvoord (Z)
From Eternity to Eternity- Erich Sauer (E)
What You Should Know About the Rapture- Charles C. Ryrie (M)
Things to Come – Dwight Pentecost (Z)
Sanctification: Holiness- The True and the False- H. A. Ironside (L)
Sex: Love and Life: A Christian View of Sex-Clyde M. Narramore (Z)
Eros Defiled: The Christian and Sexual Sin- John White (I)
How to Tell Your Children About Sex- Clyde M. Narramore (Z)
Eros Defiled: The Christian and Sexual Sin- John White (I)
How to Tell Your Children About Sex- Clyde M. Narramore (Z)
Spiritual Growth: He That is Spiritual- Lewis Sperry Chafer (Z)
Keys to Spiritual Growth- John F. MacArthur, Jr. ®
Happiness is a Choice- Frank B. Minirth and Paul D. Meier (B)
Life on the Highest Plane- Ruth Paxson (M)
Designed To Be Like Him- J. Dwight Pentecost (M)
Keys to Spiritual Growth- John F. MacArthur, Jr. ®
Happiness is a Choice- Frank B. Minirth and Paul D. Meier (B)
Life on the Highest Plane- Ruth Paxson (M)
Designed To Be Like Him- J. Dwight Pentecost (M)